- Employed bees phase - search for dimension
- Onlooker bees phase - search the area where the place that employee point to,exploitation, search the area
- Scout bees phase - random search , exploration for more diversity prevents local minimum
วันจันทร์ที่ 10 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557
Computer Intelligence by Pro.Chu
Artificial Bee colony (ABC)
computer intelligence
วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2557
Computer Intelligence by Pro.Chu
So today I have take my computer intelligence class again haha
now I am studying about an Artificial Neuron Network (ANN)
so an ann is a layered network of artificial neurons the common properties are:
now I am studying about an Artificial Neuron Network (ANN)
so an ann is a layered network of artificial neurons the common properties are:
- directed graph (with or without cycles)
- nodes are(primitive) computing devices(call neurons)
- edges carry (weighted) information - called weights
Inside of a neural network
- the interconnection pattern of the neurons or the ANN architecture
- The learning process for updating weights of the interconnection
- The activation function of each neuron that converts a neuron's inputs into its outputs
Supervise learning
- Supply the network with inputs and the desired output the weight are modified
- Only supply inputs
- The neural network adjusts its own weights so that similar inputs cause similar outputs
- The system is supposed to discovery statistically salient features of the input population
artificial neuron network,
computer intelligence,
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