วันอังคารที่ 28 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Computer Intelligence Ant colony by Pro.Chu

Ant colony optimize (ACO)

Inherent features

  • Inherent parallelism
  • Stochastic nature
  • Adaptivity
  • use of feedback
  • Autocatalytic in nature
Double bridge experiments: different lengths - the majority ant go though the short path

p1 = (m1+k)^h /(m1+k)^h + (m2+k)^h


Basic ideal of ACO
  • inspired by the food foraging behavior of ants
  • Ants are agents that: - move along between nodes in a graph
  • They choose where to go based on pheromone strength (and maybe other things)
  • An ant's path represents a specific candidate solution.
  • When an ant has finished a solution, pheromone is laid on its path, according to quality of solution.
  • This pheromone trail affects behavior of other ants, and this is called 'stigmergy' -a communication method amongst ants
How to implement in program
  • Ants: Simple computer agents
  • Move ant: Pick next component in the construction of solution
  • Trace: Pheromone, delta thor ^k where i,j a global  type of infomation
  • Memory: mk or tabu k
Genetic ACO algorithm
  1. Initialize
  2. repeat // called each iteration
  3.  each ant is positioned on the initial node
  4.  repeat // called each step
  5.     Each ant applied a state transition rule
  6.     Apply the pheromone local update rule // optional
  7.  until all ants have build a complete solution
  8.  apply a local search procedure // optional 
  9.  Apply a pheromone global update rule
  10. until any stopping criterion is met
  11. Return the best route
 ACO for the traveling salesman problem

  • TSP is a metaphor problem for the ant colony
  • Is is one of the most studied NP-hard* problems in the combinatorial optimization
  • It is easy to explain. So that the algorithm behavior is not obscured by too many technicalities.
*Np-hard are at least as hard as the hardest problems in NP, which can be solved with Non-deterministic Turing machine in Polynomial time.

Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) for TSP
  • Each edge is associated a static value based on the edge-cost n(i,j) = 1/Li,j , heuristic information indicating a chance or likeliness to move from node i to j

Well see you again, @MySimpleDiary my note story teller

