This afternoon I have extra training by koobitor the best senior programmer of my department
Subject is web development
Simple programming start up by brownser example like opera chrome firefox then
. Domain name after that ip 1xx information 2xx success
Software that we going to use sublime text and xxamp server
Front End
HTML + CSS + java script
everything is under document so after that we go to blognone and view it's source the doc code
then inspect element how to custom css or make custom on web page
then you can use your own tag on ie 9 chrome firefox all on html5 support
then about div id,class and header id is like and unique can be use once and class can be duplicate
Then Jade language
we can test our css on inspect element
em unit in programming.
after that we testing on other css element like position, width, height
What can CSS3 Can do?
border radius , box shadow , text shadow , rgba = ความโปร่งแสงของสี
next is Google Fonts
find fonts that you like then click on after that coppy the code and then put it in to the header tag in html
font generate: , by using font from or on your computer if you have other fonts by using .tff .woff .svg .eot then font generator will generate css code after u download it. you will get style sheet.css and the other
MEDIA QUERIES : make it beautiful and better on screen device
MEDIA RATIO: Retina screen 1 px = 4 px (x2 size build port)
Keyword: Less, stylus (search for more infomation)
Java script
can be use on inspect element on console tab (can open by F12 on window)
JSFiddle java script tester
QuoJS : Touch screen events by this QUOJS
continue part 2