วันจันทร์ที่ 18 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2557

Easy Web Programming Teach by koobitor part 3

Teach by Co-OP

CMS: wordpress , joomla , Drupal

Drupal configuration

First download Drupal 7.31 then go to ur server so we use xxamp server on our computer then
make a config on drupal follow the instruction

When finish you will get the standard website ( more info by asking or msg or searching )
after all the setup

we making a website so our prototype is news website so we create new on the site

at div.re/drupal

adding content first we need to adding type on the left top corner then we add new taxonomy then we add contents and check on taxonomy that I have create if we want to adding a picture we can adding type then adding field after adding you can upload the picture in you field if your picture is too large you can config on resolution that have minimum and maximum resolution on configuration type
if you want to set a feature picture u can config in structure type by dragging

this class was fun and more information about this will be back on Wednesday
Thank you for reading


