วันอังคารที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2557

Computer Intelligent by Pro.Chu

Continue from the last week
from GA

First of all we begin with Island GA

Island GA is an evolving multiple-population in tandem, a form of parallel GA.
At a fix number of generation, some individual from each island

GA for Multi-Objective problems
-Nondominated sorting Genetic Algorithm(NSGA)
-Fast Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm(NSAGA-II)
-Strength Pareto Evolutionary Stragetegy

GA on CUDA - Nvidia

Holland's Schema Theorem

EC in Java

So this is the End of GA so next is GP (normally it's like adapted from GA by using graph)

GP : Genetic Programming
-Santa Fe Trail
-GP for Tetris

-Modal Structure

Mean Square Error (MSE)  = 1/N Ej=1to N (targetj-outputj)^2
Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) =1/N Ej=1toN |(targetj-outputj)/xj|
POCID =100/N Ej=1toN Dj,
where dj{1,if(targetj-outputj-1)(outputj-outputj-1)>0
                0, otherwise}

Parse Treeinternal node is an operator +-*/
leave node is an value

Each program is represented as a tree

 - Grow - limit and Full - teminal (complete tree)

Crossover in GP
- Randomly select two trees A and B from the population
- A branch is selected randomly in each tree to be cut
- The sub-tree of both A and B are exchanged.

Mutation in GP
- Randomized Generated sub-tree
- Functional node mutation
- Treminal
- Shrink Mutation - randomly selected subtree into new era
- Hoist Mutation
- Survivor selection

End of GP

